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The Inner Alignment Blog

Overcoming Money Blocks for the Spiritual Seeker emf-energy mindset frequency money mindset Mar 09, 2021
Let's talk about two of the things you aren't supposed to:
  1. Money and
  2. Spirituality (in other words religion, but since we are a spiritual community lets call it spirit)
Yep, you can have both. And if you don't right now, listen in, I'll share what is in the way and how to start clearing the...
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The most important decision of your life bold love emf-energy mindset frequency emotional intelligence manifestation mindful living money mindset Mar 08, 2021
It's a day before I gave myself an impossible (i.e. "I'm possible") deadline to make more money in one week than I've made all year.
Why did I do it?
Because I'm weeding out that which no longer serves me in search of something way the frick better!
It's actually because I...
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My light will win! bold love emf-energy mindset frequency emotional intelligence manifestation money mindset Mar 05, 2021
The other night I had a hard time falling asleep. There was an inner battle going on in my head and heart. I felt the low vibrations of my small self and doubts in my chest and abdomen leaving me restless and uncomfortable.
You see, I'm on the verge of another expansion of my soul and it...
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Break up and breakthrough emf-energy mindset frequency emotional intelligence money mindset Mar 04, 2021
So you've had a spiritual breakthrough recently, an amazing realization that has you expanding into new zones of possibility and abundance. You are on top of the world!
And then it happens, you come crashing down with self-doubt, try to convince yourself that your breakthrough wasn't...
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Make More Money Doing What You Love chakras emf-energy mindset frequency emotional intelligence karma money mindset Mar 03, 2021
I've spent a lot of years only kinda kicking ass.
I hid behind "I'm helping a lot of people" to justify not making enough money to support my own family.
And I know so many women who are doing great things to improve the world who are also not making enough...
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3 steps to your freedom emf-energy mindset frequency meditation mindful practices Mar 02, 2021

One of the best speeches of all time started with, "I have a dream."

We all have dreams.

Dreams are like a part of your DNA. They are a part of the code of who you are, what makes you special and the way you can help improve the world.

Your purpose is hidden in your dreams.

Listen to the yearning...

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Change your thoughts. Change your life. emf-energy mindset frequency mindful living Mar 01, 2021
Did you know that 95% of the thoughts you have today are the same thoughts you had yesterday?
That means that unless you do something to consciously expand your mind and try new things you are forever living in a state of Groundhog Day.
Yep, a little shift here or there....
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Gremlins, singing muppets and shadowy monsters...oh my! emf-energy mindset frequency emotional intelligence Feb 26, 2021

Fear is sneaky. It likes to shape shift and make you believe that you aren't enough. It steals your light, your excitement, energy and motivation to reach new heights.

It taps into your subconscious mind, pulls out "failures" of the past or times you've been ridiculed and makes you believe those...

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I took one for the team bold love crystals emf-energy mindset frequency meditation mindful living Feb 25, 2021

I took one for the team.

I knew at a young age I was different. You too probably.

But I grew up in a Catholic family in small town Nebraska where being different wasn't a good thing.

When trying my best to fit in wasn't working anymore, I decided I needed to figure out who I was--not who "they"...

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Bondage of Golden Handcuffs bold love emf-energy mindset frequency emotional intelligence Feb 24, 2021

We all have our own kind of golden handcuffs we wear.

And yes, they are golden if you have a roof over your head, food to eat, clean water to drink, a car to drive, and a cell phone in your pocket.

You are better off than most people on this planet.

And yet, you know there is more for you.


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Top 10 ways to raise your vibration crystals emf-energy mindset frequency emotional intelligence meditation mindful living mindful practices Feb 20, 2021
A couple weeks ago I felt like I hit the lowest low!
My body felt sluggish, my mind was deep in the murky shadows of doubt, fear and shame, and I did not feel like myself.
It happens to the best of us.
We can all have crap days, take on someone else's energy or beliefs, or...
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How To Establish & Reconnect With Your Meditation Routine in 2020 emf-energy mindset frequency meditation mindful living mindful practices Jan 01, 2020

We are on the cusp of a new decade. The 20s are sure to bring highs and lows for each of us individually and collectively. As thought leaders and consciousness activators, it is important that we are prepared for the opportunities, evolutions and transformations to come.  Which is why it's...

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