One of the best speeches of all time started with, "I have a dream."
We all have dreams.
Dreams are like a part of your DNA. They are a part of the code of who you are, what makes you special and the way you can help improve the world.
Your purpose is hidden in your dreams.
Listen to the yearning in your heart.
Stop listening to the voice in your head that says "you can't", "you aren't good enough", "no one will listen to you".
You wouldn’t have the dream if you didn’t already have what it takes to make it happen.
Just like you wouldn't have brown eyes if your DNA didn't already posses the qualities of brown eyes.
Your dreams are your sign posts to freedom, to living a life of joy, impact, and abundance.
You are amazing!
The three things that have been the biggest help to me being my amazing self are:
1. Working on my mindset by cleaning up all the mind trash my small self has had me believing for decades!
2. Meditation daily that helps me tap into my dream and really see it and feel what it is like once it has come true.
3. Having mentors on my side pointing me in the right direction, helping me overcome hurdles that will arise if I am expanding and holding me accountable so I can attain my goals.
The first two are critical. But the third is where the magic happens.
That's what I'm here for, to serve, to mentor, to help you wake up to your amazingness!
If you are ready to break free with the help of a mentor, set up a call. I could be the person you've been praying for. Unless you take the action on setting up a call we will never know.
The call is 100% free.
Be bold. Be brave. Take action. It will be the best 45 minutes you spend on yourself all week.
With love and powerful support,