I used to doubt myself more than I care to admit.
Yeah, I know, I look all confident and courageous on the outside, a small business owner, yogini, teacher. But inside, there was a part of me that wondered if I was good enough, if I had what it took to really help people live better lives.
I was pretty hard on myself at times and it kept me in a low vibe loop that I would yoyo in and out of.
Because on the other side of that self doubt was the confidence and self love I exuded and taught to thousands of clients.
I wasn't being inauthentic. What I was doing was sending mixed messages to the Universe.
And those mixed messages kept me in a holding pattern with my purpose, my business always being ok but not quite where I wanted it, and playing small cause it was more familiar.
Whew! I said it out loud! To you all today and to myself over the last year or two which has actually taken a lot of pressure off of me.
What I know now ('cause hindsight is 20/20) is that by indulging in the beliefs that I wasn't quite good enough, I wasn't quite successful enough, I wasn't quite big enough was that I found proof of all those low vibe beliefs around me and they became true.
- I saw my business just paying its bills -- PROOF!
- I saw my studio holding steady with clients and not growing -- PROOF!
- I saw my yoga classes only 20% full -- PROOF!
Wherever I looked, I could find proof of my negative beliefs.
Fast forward a few years and what I also know to be true is that whatever you believe, it's true.
That has some enormous power in it!!!!
So, I have upgraded my beliefs to know that I am success right now and I find reasons to prove that belief.
- I know that I am freaking enough already and nothing is missing.
- I know that my business is a reflection of my beliefs and the more I upgrade myself, the more my business grows!!!
- I know that abundance is my birthright (and yours too!)
This isn't just some surface upgrade I've made (i.e. not spiritual bypassing). No, it is a low down, get in there to dig up the old shit so I can clear it out and make room for the good stuff.
I'm literally sifting through the rubbish of my old beliefs, finding the hidden gems and replacing what has gone rotten with fresh, new, upgraded beliefs that support me and my life's purpose.
These spiritual practices are meant to ground your highest self and manifesting awesomeness down into this real world we live in.
It is what we focus on as spiritual beings having a human experience. It's what helps spiritual entrepreneurs grow their heart centered businesses. It is a way for spirit to flow through all aspects of your life.
For love, joy, peace and ease to be your daily experience!
So if you are a soul sourced entrepreneur who struggles with doubt and is ready to make this upgrade, it is time we sit down and have a little chat. Check out my free masterclass (https://joinnow.live/s/gdRbIV) and then schedule a breakthrough call to see if we can get you where you want to go.
This journey is a fun and exciting one when you are doing it with the support and love of community. It doesn't have to feel lonely nor hard. It really is a joy when you learn how to let it be.
And self doubt...it becomes a thing of the past, no longer plagued by it's negative, self-deprecating energy. You are free to be YOU!
So much love and support,