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Full Moon Eclipse Points the Way to Women Coming Together

divine feminine emf-energy mindset frequency meditation mindful living spiritual entrepreneur May 26, 2021

I’ve been inspired by this full moon eclipse and am putting together a year long women’s circle starting June 1 to grow and support a spiritual community of determined women who are ready for more personal transformation, purpose and alignment with their highest selves.

Today "a blood moon lunar eclipse will launch an intense new phase of personal growth. If you’re flooded with uncertainty, on the cusp of a decision, or in an exhausting emotional holding pattern, this once-in-a-lifetime eclipse will catapult you into the next phase. Be ready for the unexpected, and prepare for major life changes." (From Sivana East)

This full moon eclipse will herald in that which no longer serves you, trauma, self doubt, and fears, bringing it to the surface to be cleared. In some it will cause anxiety and stress because you don't think you are ready to deal with it. For others, they will see it as a great opportunity to shed the out dated beliefs and conditioning that is keeping them small and feeling less than their best.

God wants the best for you. Ego desires to keep you limited. The power of connection, friendship, and devotion to serving through love is what will set you free. This eclipse is inviting us to let go of the past and embrace the new paradigm.

Which is exactly the perfect time to begin a year long journey guiding you towards your own sacred fulfillment with a community of women. Right now is the time time to come together after a year of isolation to shine bright, connect and grow.

I share the details in today's video and invite you to join us.

We've been off on our own for the last year, disconnected from each other and this full moon eclipse has reminded me how important community is.

Whether you took advantage of the last year of isolation to do your rituals and advance your Self through inner practices or you were the woman who thought she would but never did because she didn't have the motivation to do it alone. It doesn't matter.

What does matter is the fact that you are craving community with other open hearted women who are yearning for the greatness of their soul's brilliance to shine through into their lives.

We women have been conditioned by society to think we have to do it all on our own: to be strong, to push through obstacles, to get shit done.

No. We are so much stronger together! We women are incredible beings on our own and community just amplifies our potential.

Let's take this blood moon eclipse as a sign to join together for the next year through the Sacred Fulfillment Women's Circle and build ourselves a new spiritual home filled with bright, loving, generous souls that will uplift and inspire together.

Personal transformation just isn't an option anymore.

This Sacred Fulfillment Women's Circle is a year of incredible support, divine friendships, and self care so you can uncover the woman you know you were designed to be!

Register by Friday and save an extra $500!

This course is priced so everyone can afford the investment in themselves!

Register now before you miss out on this inspiring growing community.

Use coupon code: IAMREADY to save $500.

Much love to you!


Women's Empowerment Coach

P.S. Registration closes on Sunday, May 30. We begin June 1. Do something today your future self will thank you for!