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The Inner Alignment Blog

The Universe Wants You to be Happy & Fulfilled emf-energy mindset frequency manifestation mindful living money mindset Mar 11, 2021

The universe we live in truly is abundant, self-healing, and self-fulfilling.

Yet, there is this cultural belief that says, "Life is hard." or "Life is unfair."

The Sage Brush outside my house doesn't think life is unfair because it is just a lowly little sage brush and not a mighty Ponderosa...

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Overcoming Money Blocks for the Spiritual Seeker emf-energy mindset frequency money mindset Mar 09, 2021
Let's talk about two of the things you aren't supposed to:
  1. Money and
  2. Spirituality (in other words religion, but since we are a spiritual community lets call it spirit)
Yep, you can have both. And if you don't right now, listen in, I'll share what is in the way and how to start clearing the...
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The most important decision of your life bold love emf-energy mindset frequency emotional intelligence manifestation mindful living money mindset Mar 08, 2021
It's a day before I gave myself an impossible (i.e. "I'm possible") deadline to make more money in one week than I've made all year.
Why did I do it?
Because I'm weeding out that which no longer serves me in search of something way the frick better!
It's actually because I...
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My light will win! bold love emf-energy mindset frequency emotional intelligence manifestation money mindset Mar 05, 2021
The other night I had a hard time falling asleep. There was an inner battle going on in my head and heart. I felt the low vibrations of my small self and doubts in my chest and abdomen leaving me restless and uncomfortable.
You see, I'm on the verge of another expansion of my soul and it...
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Break up and breakthrough emf-energy mindset frequency emotional intelligence money mindset Mar 04, 2021
So you've had a spiritual breakthrough recently, an amazing realization that has you expanding into new zones of possibility and abundance. You are on top of the world!
And then it happens, you come crashing down with self-doubt, try to convince yourself that your breakthrough wasn't...
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Make More Money Doing What You Love chakras emf-energy mindset frequency emotional intelligence karma money mindset Mar 03, 2021
I've spent a lot of years only kinda kicking ass.
I hid behind "I'm helping a lot of people" to justify not making enough money to support my own family.
And I know so many women who are doing great things to improve the world who are also not making enough...
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